Comment consommer les noix? - Novëm

How to consume nuts?

The walnut is a fruit that is as tasty as it is good for your health! Indeed, nuts are rich in antioxidants and Omega 3! A handful of nuts a day is very beneficial for our health.

There are several forms of nuts that we can consume:

The dry nut

It is the one that we consume the most and especially the one that is the easiest to find.
They can be eaten whole, in kernels or in small pieces. They can be kept for up to a year if they are in their shells.

But what do we eat dried walnuts with?
In salads, desserts such as nut pies, nut cakes… or even with cheese!
You can add this healthy nut to your dish!

Fresh walnuts

These are becoming rarer. Indeed, they are harvested from mid-September to early November and can be eaten at the foot of the walnut tree after removing the shell. Fresh walnuts are more tender than dried walnuts and are very good for dessert.
They cannot be stored and must be eaten quickly!

walnut oil

As you know, at novëm we love walnut oil in our skincare products for its incredible antioxidant properties on our skin. But this oil also has very good nutritional properties. It contains an excellent concentration of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential fatty acids essential to our body.

You can use walnut oil on your salads or to enhance your dishes with Grenoble flavors!

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The Novëm newspaper

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