Comment prendre soin d'une peau mature ? - Novëm

How to take care of mature skin?

The effects of time on the skin are, in general, due to the slowdown in the natural production of certain nutrients and molecules that make up the cells of our body. In order to compensate for these effects, the consumption (food and/or skin) of products rich in Vitamin E is recommended. The virtues of this antioxidant are proven and effective against free radicals, which contribute to the destabilization of cells in our body. These effects will intensify over time, as the natural production of vitamin E is reduced.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a molecule found in naturally fatty foods such as avocado, vegetable oils and also in wheat germ. Our Day Cream happens to be made with wheat germ. A nut-sette a day on clean skin, ensures optimal hydration and comfort for the whole day.

Vitamin E is also a molecule that is found naturally in our body in small doses, which is why ingesting it remains a good way to increase its effectiveness.

This vitamin is also protective against chronic diseases , such as cardiovascular disease or cancer, and it even protects you against certain allergens.

Target wrinkled areas

Vitamin E has the power to target wrinkled areas and fill them in! magical isn't it? It stimulates the production of collagen which is necessary for the good elasticity of the skin. Vitamin E is an ideal molecule for mature skin because it is an antioxidant that protects against damage caused by free radicals.

Nourish your skin well

Thanks to its naturally nourishing properties, vitamin E will also be able to hydrate your skin from the inside as well as from the outside.

From the inside by cooking good little dishes based on vegetable oils, seeds or even avocado

From the outside by applying care that contains this vitamin. And that's good because our Joli Minoix oil contains it! You can apply 2 - 3 drops directly to your previously cleansed face, and perform massage and pressure movements on your face to activate blood circulation. You will facilitate cell regeneration, which may take longer depending on each metabolism.

Now you know how to deal with the signs of aging and take care of mature skin, so don't wait any longer!

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