Psoriasis et Soins Naturels : Comment Soulager Votre Peau ? - Novëm

Psoriasis et Soins Naturels : Comment Soulager Votre Peau ?

Psoriasis : soulagez votre peau avec des soins naturels ! Découvrez les huiles végétales, plantes et routines adaptées pour apaiser les rougeurs et démangeaisons.
Peut-on utiliser une huile visage quand on a de l’acné ? - Novëm

Can you use facial oil when you have acne?

When you suffer from acne, the idea of ​​applying oil to your face may seem counterintuitive. After all, acne is often associated with excess sebum, and adding an oil could make the problem worse… or...
Peut-on Soigner l'Eczéma avec des Produits Naturels ? L'Histoire Derrière l'Huile de Noix - Novëm

Can Eczema Be Treated with Natural Products? The Story Behind Walnut Oil

Eczema is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by skin inflammation, intense itching, and sometimes blistering or crusting, the condition can greatly affect quality of life. Conventional treatments typically include...
Découvrez les Bienfaits de l'Huile de Noix en Cosmétique : Allergique par Voie Alimentaire, Mais Pas sur la Peau ? - Novëm

Discover the Benefits of Walnut Oil in Cosmetics: Food Allergic, But Not on the Skin?

Walnut oil has long been revered for its nutritional properties and delicious flavor. But did you know that this versatile oil also offers remarkable cosmetic benefits? In this article, we explore the multiple uses of...
Comment réduire efficacement les rougeurs sur la peau : Guide complet pour une peau apaisée - Novëm

How to effectively reduce redness on the skin: Complete guide for soothed skin

Redness on the skin can be a source of frustration and discomfort for many people. Whether due to skin sensitivity, dermatological problems such as rosacea, or allergic reactions, redness can affect the appearance of the...
Comment soulager efficacement les coups de soleil: Guide complet et astuces pratiques - Novëm

How to Relieve Sunburn Effectively: Complete Guide and Practical Tips

Sunburn can be a consequence of excessive exposure to the sun's UV rays. Not only can they cause severe pain, but they can also damage the skin in the long term. In this article, we...
Pourquoi avons-nous la peau sèche ? Les causes et solutions pour une peau hydratée - Novëm

Why do we have dry skin? Causes and solutions for hydrated skin

Dry skin is a common problem that affects many people around the world. It can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it is essential to understand why it occurs in order to find effective solutions....
Les Bienfaits des Omégas-3 sur la Peau : Pourquoi utiliser des cosmétiques à Base de Noix - Novëm

The Benefits of Omega-3 on the Skin: Why use nut-based cosmetics

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that provide many health benefits, including for the skin. Recent research has highlighted the importance of omega-3s in skin care, and using cosmetics containing these nutrients may be beneficial in...
Comprendre les types de cellulite et découvrir des conseils efficaces pour la réduire - Novëm

Understand the types of cellulite and discover effective tips to reduce it

Did you know that cellulite is completely natural and can affect anyone, regardless of body size or shape? In this article, we'll explore the different types of cellulite, understand where it comes from, and share...