What beauty routine for your face to adopt in the evening?

Quelle routine beauté pour votre visage adopter le soir ? - Novëm

It is important to create a beauty routine is to be consistent in its application.

But do you know that it is important to adapt your beauty routine well in the evening before going to bed?

Our skin needs to be pampered in the morning before starting your day, but also in the evening before going to rest. The needs do are not the same because Admittedly, you are not as active as the day, but sleep still requires energy

Why take care of your skin at night?

During your sleep, your skin is revitalised, because it has fought against the many aggressions it has suffered throughout the day.

The needs of your skin in the evening are more specific and different from those of the day.

This process is done in a natural way by connecting with our body and our microbiome , but it is important to give a little boost to this cell regeneration mechanism with care and a routine adapted to your skin type and the needs of your skin. this one.

This routine is different from the morning routine for several reasons:

The morning


It's not just your eyes that need to be opened and your brain that needs to wake up. Your skin must also have its dose of energy for the day. By using suitable products, you can also wake it up thanks to numerous facial massages , which activate the blood circulation and erase the traces of fatigue such as the swollen face, bags under the eyes or even the complexion. dull.

Our video TikTok shows you how to wake up your face in 3 steps with a Gua Sha .

If you don't have Gua Sha, you can also perform these gestures with a roller jade or just your hands.

To protect yourself

Your skin must be protected to face the day and be able to fight all external aggressions such as:

  • Cold
  • Pollution
  • Limestone

There are more reasons, they can be internal to your body, such as poor diet or stress.

The evening :


It's time for your skin to breathe after a good day of fighting, being torn and assaulted.

But also, it's your time to relax and release the pressure yourself.

You are probably very tired after a long day of work and probably do not have the motivation to take the time to carry out your routine properly: error !

This is the perfect time to gently remove your make-up, remove all impurities by cleansing your face, generously apply your moisturizing and/or nourishing cream and finish with a few drops of face oil.

to be fed

With all that your skin has been through during the day, you have to pamper it!

You can take care of it by providing intense nutrition with our moisturizing cream with a comforting texture.

How to take care of your skin at night?

Make-up removal and cleaning

A good evening routine starts with a good make-up removal, it follows with a gentle cleansing with the skin. We know only too well that these steps can be laborious. But thanks to our Melting Cleansing Balm , these two steps will be combined into one! You simply have to pump it 3 to 4 times, apply it to your dry face with makeup still on, massage in and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Our balm has 3 textures that will make this step of your routine comforting and relaxing. Its sweet and gourmet smell will add an even more pleasant touch.

Good hydration

Once you have cleaned your face well and dried it, it is essential to provide it with good hydration . The water that passes through our faucet can be more or less calcareous depending on where you are situated. This limestone attacks your skin and can cause irritation. That's why a moisturizing and nourishing cream should be an integral part of your evening routine.

With our Moisturizing Cream , you ensure your skin its dose of hydration and nutrition, but that's not all! It also helps reduce skin aging and thus make your skin soft and healthy.

If you want to push the nutrition and regeneration of your skin a little further: YOU You can add 2 to 3 drops of our Huile Joli Minoix when applying your moisturizer. Ultra-concentrated in active ingredients, it is the perfect treatment for an intense relaxation ritual and healthy skin. It contains 2% CBD, which reduces inflammation, soothes the skin as well as the mind.

The combination of these 3 treatments Novëm is a face routine complete to prepare your skin for bed!